
Famous and Original Quotes

Selected Quotes By russelison.com

"A credit card is not a license to spend."

russelison.com quotes, Wealth

"Don't expect people to reciprocate your kindness so you won't be disappointed."

russelison.com quotes, Kindness

"Fire can heat you up, cook your food and burn down your house."

russelison.com quotes, Life

"Don't forget that your salary is an expense to the company. This is the reason they want to minimize it as much as they can."

russelison.com quotes, Work

"You don't have to stop dancing to enjoy music, you don't also have to stop singing to keep dancing."

russelison.com quotes, Music

"Caesar was killed by his stepson."

russelison.com quotes, Love

"The reason why married people outlive single people is because someone takes care of them when they're old."

russelison.com quotes, Love

"I used to wonder why very old couples can still stay in love until I realized that I was being superficial."

russelison.com quotes, Love

"Your wife's look will fade but it doesn't necessarily mean that your love for her should too."

russelison.com quotes, Love

"No amount of money can prevent death."

russelison.com quotes, Wealth

"A scorpion might be small but its sting can kill you."

russelison.com quotes, Life

"There is a market for knowledge and another market for experience."

russelison.com quotes, Business

"Never underestimate the great customer demand for convenience."

russelison.com quotes, Business

"When I was young I worried I was too short, as an adult I now worry more that I am too broke."

russelison.com quotes, Life

"The world doesn't owe you a good living just because you have a college degree."

russelison.com quotes, Work

"There are people who honestly believe that retirement would be the best years of their lives."

russelison.com quotes, Work

"Without garbage collectors, your house would stink and you would get sick."

russelison.com quotes, Work

"There are people who don't like the police until they need their help."

russelison.com quotes, Work

"I highly doubt that everyone agrees who became Ms. Universe. Every country has their own standard for beauty and intelligence."

russelison.com quotes, Life

"Love can blind you. People have fallen in love with cars, animals and even serial killers."

russelison.com quotes, Love

"Anything once taken in large quantities would probably kill you."

russelison.com quotes, Eating

"If you want to say something to me in person, you can text me."

russelison.com quotes, Technology

"An expensive car doesn't only attract beautiful women, but criminals too."

russelison.com quotes, Wealth

"There are books that enrich the mind and then there are those which poisons the mind."

russelison.com quotes, Intelligence/Wisdom

"Success can be intoxicating, you can get drunk with success."

russelison.com quotes, Success

"Promotion without just compensation is unjust."

russelison.com quotes, Management

"Evil people like people with limitless kindness."

russelison.com quotes, Kindness

"You can lose your job or business in an instant, always save in anticipation of lean times."

russelison.com quotes, Wealth

"More luxuries means more problems."

russelison.com quotes, Wealth

"Ask yourself this whenever you are dreaming about what wonderful things you would do when you retire: Will I make it to retirement?"

russelison.com quotes, Life

"Many people claim they have no time to chase their dreams, yet they would spend hours on entertainment."

russelison.com quotes, Time

"A person who risks everything for a business idea is not a businessperson but a gambler."

russelison.com quotes, Business

"There are people who waste a lot of time trying to know the meaning of life, while there are those who are too busy living life to think about it."

russelison.com quotes, Life

"If your idea turns out to be a moneymaker, you'll have copycats and there would be little that you can do about it."

russelison.com quotes, Business

"During the few hours you spent watching television, someone else would have already accomplished something great."

russelison.com quotes, Time

"Many fools believe that looking rich is more important than having a large of savings."

russelison.com quotes, Wealth


Famous Quotes to live by.


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