Selected Bill Gates Quotes
Bill Gates- William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business technology magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is best known for co-founding Microsoft, the software giant responsible for the DOS and Windows PC Operating Systems, along with his late childhood friend Paul Allen.
He held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president and chief software architect, while also being Microsoft's largest individual shareholder until May 2014.
He is widely considered as one of the people who popularized the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. He previously held the title of the world's richest man for decades, although he is still one of the most richest person in the world today. He is worth USD 120.9 billion as of 2023.
Selected Bill Gates Quotes:
“Television is not real life. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.”
Television often lulls us into believing that success can be had by anyone without much hardwork, that business and making money is exciting, and so on. The real truth is that a vast majority of people never achieve success no matter how hard they try, and business and jobs can be soul crushing. It takes a lot of luck and hardwork to succeed in life and to escape one's mundane existence.
Bill Gates, Life
“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
Constant self improvement is a must in life. It' important to have people in our lives who will give us honest and constructive feedback. People who constantly praise you can actually be detrimental to your life.
Bill Gates, Life
“Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player."
We can only improve so much by ourselves. This is the reason why we need a coach or a mentor in our life. Coaches and Mentors can give us knowledge that we don't know ourselves. They can also connect us to the right people.
Bill Gates, Life
“The belief that the world is getting worse, that we can’t solve extreme poverty and disease, isn’t just mistaken. It’s harmful.”
Pessimistic people do more harm than good when they spread their doomsday message. It' important to stay positive and continue to think that even seemingly unsolvable problems can one day be solved.
Bill Gates, Life
“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”
Success can be intoxicating. Ever heard the phrase: "Drunk with Success"? This is because success can be fleeting and failures in life are a constant. It' important to learn from your failures while not getting drunk or complacent with your success.
Bill Gates, Success
“Patience is a key element of success.”
Success usually only comes after a lot of trial and error and a lot of failures. The successful individual are those who have the patience and determination to stick through all these frustrating moments along the way.
Bill Gates, Success
“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.”
Success teaches people very little. A person's success might just be due to luck. It' the lessons learned of what doesn't work from your many failures that eventually leads you to success.
Bill Gates, Success
“I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars, there’s a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that. But once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it’s the same hamburger.”
Most people want to be wealthy without knowing how wealthy they want to be. In fact, most people dream of someday becoming the wealthiest person in the world. But "real wealth" means having enough resources and not just money to do the things you want and to acquire all the things you desire. By this definition of "real wealth", many people would get by with very little money.
Bill Gates, Wealth, Freedom
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
No one wants an unhappy customer, but unhappy customers can teach us a lot about our business, especially with what's wrong with the way we run our business. The feedback of our unhappy customers gives us the opportunity to learn and improve our products and services.
Bill Gates, Business
"Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world ... if you do so, you are insulting yourself."
Comparing your success, failures and economic status to others is detrimental for your well-being. Everyone's life is unique. A seemingly very wealthy person can be the most loneliest person in the world as compared to a poor but very happy person. Everyone's path to happiness and success is different from each other.