The Golden Woman And The Black Gorillas
Part 1: The New Planet
Robert and James carefully are carefully flying their spaceship over the forests of the planet Gold. James was the driver of the spaceship while Robert scanned the forest below them.
Robert can’t believe his eyes, “Now I know why the planet have been named by the Earth Space Council as planet ‘Gold’. Everything below is either colored white or colored gold. In fact, even the plants and animals have largely a gold color.”
James smiled, “Even from a distance I can see the color gold. It seems the entire planet is made out of gold. Do you think there is real gold in this planet or everything here is just colored gold?”
Robert smiled, “Either way, I think I like this planet. The animals are so beautiful being colored in gold. Their coats glow as the planet’s sun hit their coats. I even want to bring some of these animals with me back to earth.”
“Remember our orders Robert, we are not to bring anything back to earth from this planet. This is a newly discovered planet. We are the first humans in this planet. Our orders are just to observe what this planet looks like.”
“And if we find intelligent life in this planet, James. Would we initiate contact or just observe them? So far, we have not found anything in this planet that resembles intelligent life. We have only found animals that are similar in intelligence to earth animals.”
James touched his chin, “I would land the spaceship. Maybe if we land, we might find intelligent life. I’m also interested to see what this planet looks like up close. I have seen a good spot to land too.”
Part 2: The Prisoner
The spaceship landed in a clearing that is full of gold colored grass. After wearing their spacesuits, the two earthmen exited their spaceship and activated the camouflage mode of their spaceship. In a matter of minutes, the spaceship vanished from sight.
Robert used his scanner to detect any lifeforms near them. Both of them readied their laser guns while they walked the forested surface of the planet. Then Robert’s instruments told him that they could safely breathe the air of the planet.
Robert removed his space helmet, “James, you could remove your helmet. We can safely breathe the air from this planet. It is not toxic to us. In fact, the vegetation of this planet is similar to earth, they just have a gold color.”
James removed his space helmet, “Wow! The air here feels healthy. It’s not like the air of earth which is polluted. I can sense that this must be a very habitable planet and we will find intelligent life here.”
Robert smiled, “I think you are right. Our ground instruments are more powerful than the instruments of our spaceship. I am even detecting movements similar to intelligent life. It seems these creatures seem to be forming a circle and are dancing.”
“Dancing? Then what are you waiting for Robert, let’s go. We may have the distinction on earth that we are the first humans who found intelligent life in this planet! Just ready your laser gun in case they might prove hostile.”
They traveled to where their instruments are reporting that there is a pattern of movement which suggests that there is an intelligent life near them. Soon, they reached the spot where their instruments are pointing.
Robert waved his hand at James, “Take cover James. I see a campfire where there seems to be black colored monsters. They look like gorillas that walk on two legs. They are also armed with spears.”
“I see them Robert, I just hope they don’t see us. They look hostile. They seem to be doing a dance in the center of the fire. It’s as if they are celebrating. They seem to have the semblance of primitive intelligence in them.”
“I see them clearly James, but do you see that big cage they have. There’s something moving inside. They must have captured an animal and are celebrating. I don’t know if they are hostile or not.”
“I see it too Robert. Look the animal in the cage is standing up. I can see it clearly now. It’s a human. A gold colored woman. Even her dress is colored in gold. Her hair is also colored gold. She is beautiful.”
“James, we should rescue her. We cannot let these savage gorillas keep her captured. We don’t know what they would do to her. They might even eat her. These black gorillas look very dangerous.”
“I don’t know Robert, our orders are to just observe the inhabitants of this planet. We don’t know if these black gorillas are hostile. We don’t even know if the gold woman in the cage is hostile as well.”
“James, she’s a human. She is just colored In gold. Look at her. She’s so beautiful. Do you think a creature as beautiful as that could be hostile. Besides, she is the one in the cage while the black gorillas are the one holding the spears.”
“Okay, Robert. We could fire them a warning shot. Perhaps we can shoot the ground where these black gorillas stand. This should scare them away and enable us to rescue the gold woman.”
Part 3: Earth Men And Gold Woman
The black gorillas fled when both men fired their lasers at the ground where the black gorillas stood. The creatures left behind their prisoner which was the gold covered woman. The two men used their language translator which has the ability to interpret all forms of language.
All the men needed to do was to run their device while the gold woman talked. At first, their language translator made incomprehensible sounds. However, as the gold woman talked, the language of the woman became clearer and clearer until both men can clearly understand the gold woman.
The gold woman identified herself, “I am Tarek. I was captured by the creatures you call black gorillas. They are mean and savage creatures. They capture gold people like us so they can eat them. I am thankful that you rescued me.”
James smiled, “It’s no big deal. Robert here and I cannot just stand by and wait while those evil gorilla creatures eat you. Don’t worry. Those black gorillas won’t harm you. See these weapons in our hands, these black gorillas are no match for them. We can easily kill them before they can even throw their spears.”
Tarek touched her chin, “You mean that with that weapon in your hand, you could easily vanquish the black gorillas? Then you must help us with your weapon so we can finally defeat the creatures you refer as black gorillas.”
James touched the hand of Tarek, “Don’t worry. From now on, our lasers would protect you and your people from these black gorillas. Where are your people by the way? Are they anywhere near here?”
“Our village is near here. I would take you there. But first, I need to take something from my bag. I need to give you something as a token of my appreciation for you saving me from the black gorillas.”
Part 4: Reversal Of Roles
Then she took out a small pouch from her bag which contained gold colored powder. She put the gold colored powder in her hand and presented it to the two earth men who looked at the gold colored powder intently.
Robert smiled at James, “Is that gold powder James? Is Tarek giving us gold? If it’s gold powder, we’ll be rich James. My guess could be true, there might be real gold in this planet, and it could be plentiful!”
Tarek just smiled. Then she scattered the gold colored powder in the air. As it scattered in the air, the two earth men started to feel nauseated. It’s as if the gold powder is forcing them to sleep. The two men lost consciousness immediately.
When they woke up, they were in the cage which once caged the gold woman. Their laser guns have already been taken by Tarek. She was dancing by the fire when the two men woke up. She smiled at them when she saw that they have woken up.
“Greetings, white skinned creatures. I see that you have now fully woken up. You are lucky, it is now time for dinner and I feel hungry. One of you would make an excellent meal for me tonight. It’s been so long since I last tasted the meat of a white skinned creature!”
Robert was surprised, “What do you mean you will make a meal out of one of us? What do you mean when you said that you haven’t tasted the meat of a white skinned creature for a long time now?”
Tarek laughed, “I am also surprised myself. Our people have thought that we have eaten all the white skinned creatures in this planet. Your white colored race as well as all the other non-gold colored creatures in this planet have been eaten by us already.”
Then she pointed the laser gun at Robert, “I thought only the creatures you call black gorillas remained of a different color from this planet. But we were wrong. You even have weapons that can spit out thunder. Now, thanks to your weapon, we would kill all the black gorillas.”
She then grinned, “You should have left me a prisoner of the black gorillas. They are not evil as I have said to you. They are not vicious killers. That is why we are so close to killing all of them as well!”
Robert bit his lips, “Is this why there are only gold colored animals and plants in this planet? Is it because you have killed and destroyed everything that does not have the color of gold in them?”
Tarek laughed, “You are correct, white skinned creature who look like us. There have been many other creatures that look like us. But we worship the sun that gives light to this planet. We kill and destroy everything that is not of the color of the sun itself.”
Part 5: Looks Can Be Deceiving
Tarek pointed the laser gun at the two men randomly. She seems to be making her mind as to who she will kill first. Then she pointed the laser gun at James for a long time. She grinned as she fired the laser gun. But it did not fire.
She was puzzled, “What happened to your weapon, white-skinned creature? Why does it not spit thunder anymore? Is it broken? Tell me or I will kill one of you immediately with my other weapons.”
She was angry, “Look at this spear in my hand. If you do not tell me why your weapon of thunder does not work, I would drive this spear in your very hearts. If you do have hearts. Tell me now!”
James bit his lips, “Our weapons can only be operated by us. Our weapons have been specifically designed not to work when used by other creatures. You are not a registered user of our weapon.”
Part 6: The Black Gorillas
Just then, a rock hit Tarek in the head, she collapsed in the ground. It happened so suddenly. The black gorillas appeared from the gold colored bushes and held Tarek firmly. They then tied her up with a gold colored rope while she was unconscious.
The black gorilla leader began talking. The language translator of the two earth men again translated the words of the black gorilla creatures until the two earth men and the gorillas can understand each other.
The black gorilla leader smiled, “Hello, I am Ugar. I am the leader of the creatures you two white skinned creatures call as black gorillas. We wanted to rescue you much earlier but we fear your weapons of thunder.”
He set the two earth men free, “We are the Agyars. The people you call gold people are vicious killers. They kill and eat any creature or plant that is not gold colored in this planet. We were celebrating because we captured one, then you came.”
Then he touched his ear, “Thankfully, we have excellent hearing and we were able to determine that you were being held prisoner by the gold colored woman and that she couldn’t use it against us.”
Robert sighed, “Thank goodness you rescued us. We were almost goners. I am sorry that we have mistaken you as the hostile ones in this planet. We were wrong. Could you please forgive us?”
Part 7: A New Order In The Planet
Ugar smiled, “You are forgiven, white-skinned creature. Many other creatures look like you as well as the gold colored creatures. In fact, there are red, brown, black and red colored creatures in our planet. It is only us who look different. But we are friendly to all creatures.”
James sighed, “Is it true that the gold colored creatures have killed all the other non-gold colored creatures in this planet? We are from another planet and all we saw are gold colored animals and plants.”
Ugar smiled once more, “We have been keeping safe some of the non-gold colored creatures and plants in this planet. We hid them so that the gold colored creatures won’t be able to find them and kill them.”
Robert smiled, “Then Ugar, my friend. We have some changes to do in this planet. We would take back control of this planet from these evil gold-colored creatures. We would let this planet regain its natural color.”
After a few years, the threat of the gold-colored humans have been eliminated. The planet’s surface looked more green and brown than gold. However, the gold colored animals and plants remain. They now mixed with green vegetation and earth colored animals.
Robert and James were again flying their spaceship above the forests of the now green colored plants and animals. They became famous on earth when they discovered why the planet Gold is colored in gold before.
James grinned at Robert, “You still haven’t forgotten Tarek do you? You are still entranced by her gold colored beauty even though she turned out to be a vicious human who eat other humans as well.”
Robert smiled at James, “I’ve learned my lesson James. Looks can be very deceiving. I’ve discovered that what you look like on the outside does not matter. It’s what inside that counts. I‘ll remember this everytime we set foot on any unfamiliar planet!”