Jerks and Cute Guys in Bangkok
Part 1: Tourists In Bangkok
Margaret and her female friends were in Bangkok, Thailand. They were vacationing there. It was the last evening they were spending in Thailand and they were now in a famous nightclub. They were happily drinking in their table after dancing for a long time.
Margaret smiled at her female friend, “I’ll sure miss this place, the beaches, the nightlife. It’s the best.”
Her friend smiled, “And don’t forget, cheap too.”
Margaret laughed, “That’s right, and cheap too. We couldn’t have afford this neat vacation if not for the cheapness of this place. Imagine this beer costs only 160 baht!”
“How much is that again in US dollars?”, asked her friend.
“Around 0.03 US dollars,” said Margaret.
Her friend grinned, “Everything in this country is cheap, even the women are cheap!”
Both women laughed and the rest of their female friends laughed.
Part 2: White Jerks
They continued drinking for sometime more until a group of white men approached them.
One of the white men smiled, “Hello ladies, fancy meeting white girls here in Bangkok.”
Margaret and her friends didn’t reply.
The white man cleared his throat, “I’m Leon. I’m an American. I and my friends are tourists here. Are you tourists too?”
Margaret sighed, “Yes, we’re tourists too. But we’re British. Clearly we’re from opposing countries.”
Leon was puzzled, “Opposing countries? What makes you say that?”
Margaret smiled, “It means our politics are not the same. I and my female friends don’t really want to associate with American guys.”
“Why? What’s wrong with us American guys?”
“Well, for one, we know for a fact that American guys are conceited,” said Margaret.
“No, we’re not. American guys are not conceited.”
Margaret smiled, “Yes you guys are. You think that all the women in the world chase after American guys so they can be in America.”
Leon smiled, “What’s not great about it? America’s a great country…”
Margaret laughed, “See, I told you. Americans are arrogant. They think America is the greatest country in the world!”
Leon’s face reddened, “Now, don’t you go disrespecting America.”
“I’m not disrespecting America. I just want to tell you that I don’t think America is the best country in the world. I’d rather date any guy in the world than an American guy,” said Margaret.
Leon sighed, “You really think American guys are arrogant?”
Margaret smirked, “Not all Americans, just you guys. You have arrogance written all over your face. And I wonder why?”
Leon’s face reddened, “It’s that what you think about us, then I don’t think you’re the right girls for us!”
Margaret smiled, “The feeling’s mutual, Leon.”
Leon signaled his friends to leave Margaret and her female friends, “I didn’t know that British girls can be so bigoted.”
Part 3: Men Preferences
When Leon and his friends have left, Margaret’s friend voiced her concern to her, “You shouldn’t have been so hard on those American boys, some of them are even cute.”
Margaret raised her eyebrow, “You think those guys are cute? They all look like hoboes.”
Her friend smiled, “Hoboes? Don’t you know that it’s the fashion these days? The lumberjack look is in today. Men intentionally grow beards and have tattoos because they think it makes them cool.”
Margaret sighed, “Cool? You think beard and tattoos are cool?”
Her friend smiled, “Yes, Margaret. A lot of guys today think that girls love beards and tattoos. It’s just like those earring and piercings trend that so out of fashion today.”
Both women laughed.
“The men of today are unlike our British guys. So prim and proper. Masculine yet still debonair,” said Margaret.
Her friend smiled, “That is why I like British guys. They look so clean.”
Margaret laughed, “That is why I think the British are the cutest guys in the world.”
Part 4: The Cute Asian Guy
Her friend suddenly pointed with her head to an Asian guy who was leaning by the wall of the nightclub, “Hey Margaret, look at that cute asian guy looking at us.”
Margaret looked at the direction her friend was pointing at, “Hmm, he looks cute.”
Her friend smiled, “Looks like a K-Pop star. He looks too young for us.”
Margaret laughed, “That’s the way asian guys are. They look much younger than their age. They’re soo cute!”
Margaret looked at the asian guy again, “Look, he’s signaling me to come to him. Should I?”
Her friend smiled, “Margaret, you’re showing your weakness for cute guys again. Tell him that he should be the one to come here.”
Margaret signaled with her hand for the asian guy to approach them, “Oh my god, he’s really cute. He really looks like one of those K-Pop singers. Maybe he’s famous!”
Her friend chuckled, “You’re into K-Pop guys now?”
Both women laughed.
The asian guy was at their table now. He smiled as he put down the beer he was drinking in their table, “Hello, beautiful ladies.”
Part 5: The K-Pop Actor or Director?
Margaret and her friends smiled at him.
She looked at the asian guy’s face intently, “Hello too. Are you a Thai?”
The asian guy smiled, “Yes, I’m a Thai. I’m an actor.”
Margaret laughed, “Of course. Everyone’s either an actor, model or movie producer.”
The asian guy smiled, “Want me to prove it? Here, look at this.”
He took out his wallet and showed a picture of him together with Prin Suparat, a famous Thai actor.
Margaret’s eyes widened, “I know this actor, I see him on television here in Bangkok.”
“Now you believe me?”, asked the Thai guy.
Margaret smiled, “Who are you?”
The Thai guy grinned, “I’m Aroon.”
“Okay Aroon, what kind of an actor are you?”
“I’m more of a director than an actor. I’ve directed Prin Suparat if you must know.”
Margaret smiled, “Me and my friends thought you were a K-Pop singer.”
Aroon giggled, “Yes, I was a K-Pop star as well when I was young. I used to perform at clubs together with my band.”
Margaret began to doubt Aroon, “You are a lot of thing Aroon. First you tell you’re an actor, then a director and now a K-Pop star.”
Aroon sighed, “Perhaps, if you see my car you would believe that I’m famous.”
“And what kind of car do you have?”, asked Margaret.
“I have a black Lexus sports car. Do you wanna see it so you would believe I’m famous?”
Margaret smiled, “Perhaps later. But at least I know you’re rich.”
Part 6: The Cigarette
Aroon smiled, “Perhaps you want to smoke a cigarette. I have high quality Thai cigarettes.”
“I don’t smoke anymore. It’s bad for the health,” said Margaret.
“Don’t you want to at least try Thai cigarettes?”, said Aroon, “This is how I got rich. Selling Thai cigarettes to rich westerners…”
Margaret smiled, “I’m intrigued, Aroon. You say that your Thai cigarettes are bought by the rich?”
“Of course they are, only the rich can afford such high quality cigarettes,” said Aroon.
“Well, I do run an import business back in the UK. Maybe, I’ll give it a try,” said Margaret.
Aroon smiled, “Then let’s go outside so you can try the cigarette. We can’t smoke inside this nightclub.”
Margaret frowned, “Maybe later. We’re still drinking here.”
Aroon bowed his head, “Too bad. I was thinking of importing them to the UK. Maybe you’re not interested.”
“Is your cigarette really good, Aroon?”, asked Margaret.
Aroon smiled, “Yes, a lot of western women buy it from my stores. Women love it.”
Margaret smiled, “Okay, Aroon. Let’s give your cigarette a try.”
Part 7: What Is This?
Margaret went with Aroon outside the nightclub. Beside them were other smokers who were smoking while drinking. In front of them was the parking area of the nightclub. A few more people were drinking and smoking as well.
Aroon pointed at a black sports car, “See that sports car? That is mine. It’s a Lexus.”
Margaret nodded her head repeatedly, “You’re really rich, Aroon. I believe you now.”
He took out a pack of cigarettes, “And these are the cigarettes which made me rich. Try it.”
He took out a cigarette from the cigarette packet and handed it to Margaret, “You’ll love this cigarette. It’ll make you a smoker again.”
Margaret laughed, “Really? This would make me rich too?”
Aroon lit the cigarette in Margaret’s mouth. She started inhaling the smoke from the cigarette and started to doubt that it was a cigarette.
Margaret became a bit dizzy, “What is in this cigarette?”
“Don’t you like it? Can’t you feel how good is it? Try it a bit more,” said Aroon.
Margaret inhaled the cigarette smoke a bit more. The more she tried, the more she got dizzy. She soon got so dizzy that she was about to collapse. Aroon prevented her from collapsing to the ground.
Part 8: Rescued
Aaron started huddling Margaret to a car. He smiled as people looked at him and Margaret. He would say: “My girlfriend is drunk. I’m taking her home” everytime people looked at Margaret and him.
Margaret was by now semi-conscious. She knows that she has been drugged but is powerless to resist Aroon as he huddled him to a car. She wanted to shout, but she was so drugged up that she was unable to speak. She just wants to collapse to the ground.
Then someone shouted at Aroon. It was Leon, “Hey you, what are you doing with that woman?”
Aroon became scared, “She-’s my girlfriend. She’s drunk.”
Leon’s face reddened, “I know that woman. She’s not your girlfriend. You’re kidnapping her!”
Aaron tried to force Margaret to the car, but she weakly resisted.
Leon was able to come near them, “I’m an American soldier. I’ll take you to the police.”
The nightclub heard about the commotion and detained Aroon. Leon took Margaret back to her friends and told them what happened. After a while, Margaret regained her full senses and her friends told her what happened to her.
After a year, Margaret and Leon got married. They promised to themselves that they would never accept cigarettes from total strangers even if they looked nice.