Part 1: The Professional Squatter
Calderon is a professional squatter. He is the head of a gang of squatters. How do they operate? It is Simple. They analyze a vacant property and see who owns it. If they determine that the owner of the vacant property would pay to have them go away, they would immediately squat on the property.
This is not to say that squatting is profitable. But some people like Calderon have been lucky enough to be provided with money by landowners who are eager for them to go without any fuss or trouble.
He has even gotten so lucky that the government even gave him a piece of land in a faraway place in the province so that he and his fellow squatters would leave the place they are squatting on.
He eventually sold the piece of land given to him by the government and went back to squatting. He has even built a small community of squatters who are willing to follow him to any place he wants to squat on.
Part 2: The Prized Property
Calderon thinks he might have hit another jackpot when he heard that there was a property that would soon be developed and turned to a large luxury complex complete with condominiums and shopping malls.
He and his fellow squatters settled on a small amount of money from the owners of the current property they were squatting on. They immediately squatted on this property that is rumored to be turned into a luxury complex soon.
It was not long before they received messages from the owners of the property asking them to leave. At first a letter was handed to them asking them to leave. It was from the development company who now owns the land.
Calderon was happy since he now know that the owners of the land were people from the development company. When another messenger from the development company came, Calderon and his fellow squatters stated their demand.
Part 3: The Hardheaded Owners
They wanted a large amount of money before they would vacate the property. Rather than the development company replying to their demands, they received a letter from the local government asking them to vacate the property by a certain date.
Calderon was happy. He does not want to vacate the property especially now that he knows that the government is involved. He had an idea that the government would again offer him a piece of land in exchange for him and his fellow squatters leaving.
The thought of the possibility again of receiving a piece of land for free from the government made him more determined to squat on this piece of property. He even contacted the local charities and civic groups asking them to mediate with the government on their behalf.
They were able to fool some of these well-meaning groups who actively championed their cause. But the development company and the local government still wanted them out of the property without giving them any compensation.
Government officials would randomly warn Calderon and his fellow squatters that the deadline date was coming and that they should leave before the deadline. However, Calderon and his fellow squatters would always threaten them that they would fight back if ever they are evicted forcefully.
Part 4: Eviction Day
Calderon prepared for the eviction day. They barricaded the main entrance to the squatter’s area. They have put in a fence consisting of sharp objects so that no one can enter the squatter’s area.
The police and the development company construction workers arrived very early in the morning at the squatter’s area. They police were wearing riot gear while the development company also brought in some trucks and bulldozers.
The police head shouted over the megaphone: “Good morning everyone. Today is your eviction day. We have told you to leave this property by this date. We don’t want any trouble but you have to leave now. We will give you one hour to vacate this property.”
Calderon and his fellow squatters have been through this same situation and they were not alarmed. Calderon said in a loud voice: “We are not leaving because we have nowhere to go. We want the government to do its job and to provide for the poor and needy.”
“We want to be given houses and land to stay on. The government could also give us a good amount of money instead, so we can rebuild our lives.” Calderon was sure that the police would not do anything hostile especially since he has invited the civic groups and the media as well.
Part 5: Calderon is Exposed
But he was wrong. The police head loudly said on the megaphone: “Julius Calderon, you and your people are professional squatters. We have your squatting records with us. We have previously given you and your people with government lands which you ultimately sold.”
Calderon was unfazed. He shouted: “Yes, you gave us lands but there is no livelihood in the lands you gave us. We would starve unless we sold the land.” Deep inside Calderon was panicking. It was the first time that his squatting records have been brought up by anyone.
The police head spoke again: “And what about all the other places you squatted on where the owners have to give you money to leave? Face it. We know you and your people are professional squatters. We won’t hesitate to arrest you and your people if you resist us.”
“Time is ticking. You and your people have thirty minutes more to go. After this time, we will start bulldozing your houses. I suggest you start packing now. We will not arrest you this time even though we know you are professional squatters. We just want you to leave.”
Part 6: Time Is Up
The thirty minutes passed with both groups at a stalemate. But after this time, the bulldozers from the development company started proceeding to the squatters area. The bulldozers were protected by the police officers in riot gear.
The police head spoke again: “We would be starting the eviction process. We would start demolishing the houses. We do not want any trouble, but if anyone tries to resist us we would arrest them.”
Then the bulldozers started tearing down the fence the squatters erected. Calderon shouted: “We want to negotiate with the government. We want to leave peacefully. All we need is time and a bit of money from the government.”
But as if his voice was not heard by the police. The fence was easily torn down and the bulldozers started their way towards the nearest house they could reach. Calderon was panicking.
It was the first time that his tactics failed. He doesn’t know what to do. His fellow squatters looked at him with their eyes. Then as if out from nowhere, one of the squatters shouted: “Let’s fight them. We can’t let them demolish our houses.”
Part 7: The Uprising
These words were all that was needed to start an uprising from the squatters. They threw rocks and anything they can throw at the police and to the persons driving the bulldozers. The bulldozer drivers fled while the police pulled back.
The squatters saw what happened and cheered. They shouted: “You can’t take us!” They repeated this over and over again. Calderon was happy too. He thinks his people have broken the morale of the police.
Then the police head shouted in an angry voice: “Please vacate the area immediately. We would start shooting anyone who tries to throw things at us or even resist us.” Then the police formed a wall with their bodies. They held their riot shields and police truncheons firmly.
Then they started to advance. They squatters resisted their advance and started to throw anything that they can throw at the police. But this time the police reacted. They fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the squatters.
Many of the squatters were hurt and wounded. Many started running away from the police. Once again Calderon was panicking. He does not know what to do. He wants to run away as well but he knows that he is the leader of the squatters and he must prove that he is really their leader.
Part 8: Your Time is Up
He ran at the members of the civic groups that were present. He wants to ask for their help to stop the police and mediate for the squatters. But he was met with a frown by them.
“Asshole! Do you think we are not on to you? The development company has already informed us long before that you are professional squatters. We are just here to see that no one gets killed in the eviction process. We don’t really care what happens to you and your people.”
“In fact, we even want you to be arrested. Don’t you know that we have even talked to your victims before. We happen to know a few of the people you victimized.” Then they signaled to the police that Calderon was with them.
Then a few police officers ran towards Calderon. He panicked and start to flee from the police officers. The police officers chased him. Meanwhile the bulldozers were now back in operation and were resuming their work of demolishing the squatter’s houses.
It was chaos. Houses being demolished, tears gas was still present in the air, the police were still rounding up the squatters, and the squatters were panicking trying to carry whatever possession that they can carry.
Calderon asked for help from the squatters but he was ignored. As far as they were concerned it was every man for himself. Then he felt like he has been shot. He touched his shoulders and when he looked at his hands there was blood. Somebody was shooting at him.
He ran without any direction until he was cornered by a few police officers. Then he felt a sharp blow from behind his neck. He fell to the ground as the police kept kicking him. One more blow to the head and he became unconscious.
Part 9: A Prisoner
It took a few slaps in the face before he finally woke up. The place was quiet except for the sound of bulldozers busily tearing the houses down. There was hardly a sound anywhere. Then he heard a voice say: “Are you awake?”
It took just a few seconds for him to realize his situation. He was tied to chair and there were a few police officers all around him. He said in a panicked voice: “What are you going to do to me?”
The police officers just laughed and one said: “You will know later. But first we like you to meet somebody.” Them one of them went out of the derelict room they were in and returned with somebody.
Part 10: A Thief Hates Another Thief
It was an old man. It was the owner of the property to whom he was granted land before by the government. He said: “Remember me? I was the one who negotiated with the government so you could be given a land before. It was not so long ago. I hope you still remembered me.”
Calderon was shocked. He remembered this person talking to him now. He indeed was the owner of the land which they squatted before. The land which they left because the government gave them land of their own instead.
Then the old man continued: “I took pity to you and your people back then. I started out as a poor man as well but I became rich that I was able to buy a lot of properties. My properties include this property.”
“I used my political connections so that you people can get land of your own. I did not know then that you were professional squatters. If I had known then, I would have destroyed you and your people right then.”
“I am a land grabber myself. But I am a big time land grabber, not like you who is a nobody. You can’t even defend your own people from a simple eviction order. You’re pathetic. But you are a pest. If I let you go today you might become an even bigger pest to me one day.”
Part 11: Where People Disappear To
He continued: “What do you think I should do to you? Your squatting syndicate is in shambles. Your fellow squatters have fled. The civic organizations and the government officials hate you. No one likes you anymore. In fact, I don’t think anyone would miss you.”
Calderon knows where the words of the old man was leading to. The old man wants to eliminate him. He panicked and said: “No please. I don’t mean to cross you. I don’t even know you. If I did, I wouldn’t have squatted on your land.”
The old man smiled and replied: “But you did. In fact you did it twice. The first time I took pity on you and even gave you land. This time I am not letting a thief like you steal from a thief like me.”
Then with a nasty grin the old man continued: “Since you wanted my land so much I would allow you to stay in it forever. Isn’t this what you want?” Calderon knew that these words meant something bad even though they were nice words.
Then the old man signaled the police officers. They then dragged Calderon towards a place that has been demolished by a bulldozer. The bulldozer had just finished digging a shallow hole in the ground. It was big enough to fit several people.
The old man then said: “See this shallow hole in the ground? This would be your home forever. Now my land is yours.” Then the old man signaled and the police officers threw Calderon in the narrow hole in the ground.
After one month, construction of a new luxury complex began in the land where Calderon’s body is buried.