A Night With An Extraordinary Woman
Part 1: A Man With A Fetish
Steve was different from the other boys around him. Most boys love comics. They especially love the superheroes and their heroic deeds. But Steve seems to have an attraction for the supervillains especially the often sexy looking villainess of the comics world who use their charms to commit evil.
As Steve grew and started to outgrow comics, his attention turned to literature and other forms of graphic entertainment. But his love of female sexy villains never subsided. There was something in their badness that attracted them to him.
This must be the reason why he had a string of beautiful and sexy girlfriends with questionable character traits. Somehow his childhood love of villainous women translated into real life. It was a disaster for him.
His relationships ended badly with many of his former girlfriends taking advantage of him and treating him badly. Many of his former girlfriends also stole from him. One even nearly killed him before ending their relationship.
Part 2: A Change Of Attitude
Steve was at a pub one day drinking himself to death because of the ending of another one of his disastrous relationships. He was with his friend Gene as well as his other friends. Gene consoled him, “You know Steve, you should really stop seeing these kinds of women. You know what I mean do you?”
Steve looked at him, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I know these women are bad for me, but I can’t help falling in love with these women. I find these kind of women very attractive. I’ve been with good women, but they don’t seem to turn me on. What’s wrong with me?”
Gene gulped a small amount of beer and then looked at him, “That’s because you haven’t outgrown your love for sexy female villains. Deep inside, you think your bad girlfriends are a representation of the sexy female villains you read about during our childhood days.”
Steve seems to have realized the validity of his friends words, “What must I do? I’ve tried dating good women but I can’t seem to get attracted to them. Am I hopeless Gene? Tell me. I can’t go on like this!”
Gene smiled and looked intently at his friend, “You are not necessarily looking for evil women, you just want women who looks like a sexy villain. What you need is a girlfriend that looks like a villain but is good at heart.”
He ordered another beer and continued talking, “Why don’t you go to costume events like cosplays and goth events, maybe these would satisfy your fetish. Maybe, you would even find a good girlfriend this time that likes to dress up as a sexy villain.”
Part 3: Athens, Greece
As it turned out, Gene was into costume events and was more than happy to tag him along. He was right. Steve found immense satisfaction in seeing women in various costumes. His great interest in seeing women in uncommon clothes like the ones he sees in comics and books made him forget about his disastrous relationships.
Steve made a resolve to not get attracted to women of bad character. In place of them, he concentrated his affection to women who likes to dress in sexy costumes. His interest in women who dress up in costumes grew so immense that he started to look for events and attractions that are both big and small that featured them.
He began to travel overseas to attend just such events. He attended cosplays in Asia, Steampunk in Europe and many others. He collected pictures of the many costumed women he saw.
He and Gene just finished attending a cosplay event in Athens, Greece and were just basically killing time walking the streets looking for a good place to spend what remained of their tourist time. They decided to drink some coffee in a small cafe.
While they were drinking their coffee, Steve showed some pictures from his camera, “Look at these women. Same as before, they’re dressed up as superheroes. I wish I could see some dressed up as Medusa, or like some other Greek monsters.”
He turned off his camera and continued talking, “I thought I would see some women dress up in their cultural costumes like Greek goddesses and monsters. After all, this is Greece. I thought I would actually find something interesting in Greece.”
Part 4: A Most Unusual Attraction
A man next to them seemed to have heard what he said that he stood up and presented himself to them, “Excuse me gentlemen. My name is Demitri and I am businessman. I heard that you are looking for unusual looking women.”
He gave Steve his calling card, “I also like to gamble. What would you say if I told you that I can arrange a meeting between you and the most unusual women in the world? Like the kind you are looking for in Greece. Would you gamble $10,000 to meet such a woman?”
Steve smiled, “I think you would lose. Once, I was a slave to beautiful and sexy women but no more. I don’t think whoever you would introduce to meet would attract me enough that I would pay you $10,000. You are just wasting your money and my time.”
Demitri took a piece of paper from his wallet and unfolded it, “Have a look. Don’t you think this kind of woman is not worth meeting especially to a connoisseur of women such as you? She is one of a kind.”
Steve looked intently at the paper, it was a pamphlet for a theater show. The main attraction was a woman who was half serpent. From the head up to her waist she was a beautiful woman, but from the waist down she was a serpent. She has a very long serpent body.
Gene butted in, “Is this woman supposed to be an Echidna from the Greek mythology? I can understand why you are offering my friend to meet her, but I don’t see my friend falling for your tricks. She is definitely a woman dressed up in a snake rubber costume and nothing else.”
Demitri grinned, “If she was fake, then why would I gamble my $10,000? Besides, you could watch her perform in the show to see if she was a fake or not. You still have time to back out if you wish.” Then he stated the terms of the gambling contract.
Steve listened and agreed, “Demitri, if you are telling me that I would meet a real life woman who was half snake, then I would gladly pay you $10,000. Just for the record, I think you are just tricking me. I am only interested in meeting this woman even though she is fake.”
Part 5: The Show
As agreed, at the appointed date and time, the three men met in front of a small theater in a secluded part of Athens. When they entered, Steve and Gene can’t help but notice that most of the audience in the theater were men except for a very few women.
He saw all kinds of men. They seemed to come from different countries but most of them looked like Europeans. The few women with them looked very beautiful. They reminded him of the Greek nymphs he saw in books.
Then the show started. It was a most impressive show. There were acrobats, dancing girls, animals that could do tricks and so on. The overall theme of the show was ancient Greek, the costume of the performers as well as the props in the theater showed this.
Then came the main attraction. Even before the big basket was pushed onstage, the audience started clapping already. Then, a man appeared onstage with a flute and ordered the audience to stop clapping.
Once the audience settled, he started playing the flute. Then a most spectacular thing happened. A woman with very long hair up to her waist came up from the big basket. She stopped when her waist can be seen by the audience.
She was naked but her long and parted hair covered her breasts. Then she smiled. “Welcome, lovers of unusual women. I would dance for you tonight to fulfill your wildest desires!” Then she fully emerged from the basket to show the lower half of her body.
Steve can’t help but be mesmerized by her, “Demitri is right. She is a half woman half snake creature. She is one of a kind.” Then he noticed that Gene was also entranced by her. He poked him with his fingers.
Part 6: A Real Snake?
“Gene, what do you think? She looks so convincing.” But Gene didn’t respond. Someone was holding his shoulders. When Gene looked, he saw the beautiful woman sitting beside him was smiling. She showed her tongue to him. It looked like the tongue of a snake.
She smiled at both Steve and Gene. “Echidna is real. She is really half woman and half serpent. I am one of her daughters.” Demitri reassured the two men. “Do not worry. They know you came with me. You are safe. Just enjoy the show.”
Echidna danced erotically on stage. She used her long serpent body to cling at the poles of the theater like a pole dancer. The audience went wild. There was clapping all throughout her show.
When her show ended. Her serpent part slowly slithered out of the stage. The clapping from the audience almost didn’t stop. Then the men in the audience started lining up in the theater walkway.
Steve asked Demitri, “The show is over, what are the men doing lining up?” Demitri laughed, “They’re hoping that they would be selected by Echidna to spend the night with her. Do you wish to spend a night with Echidna?”
Steve and Gene didn’t hesitate, they also waited in line together with the other men. One by one the men walked towards a curtained room where Echidna was hiding. The silhouette of her half woman and half serpent body clearly was shown by the light behind the curtain.
Part 7: The Selection
Man after man went towards the curtained room, but they were all turned down by Echidna.
Soon, only Gene and Steve were left. Echidna asked both of them to come forward. Echidna selected Steve.
Gene sighed, “I guess you’re the one she wants. I did not know what came over me. When I saw her dance, I seemed to have lost my senses and wanted her.” Steve smiled, “I don’t know too. Just like you, when I saw her dance I lost my senses and only knew that I wanted her.”
Demitri who was with them smiled, “Me and Mr. Gene would be getting out of here. I take it I won the bet. I would be expecting you to pay me tomorrow. You are lucky. I didn’t know Echidna would pick you tonight.”
Then he spoke in a low tone, “Whatever it is Echidna would do to you tonight, do not resist it. She would give you a great gift. You can be sure that you are perfectly safe with her. Despite her looks, she is not evil.”
Part 8: An Unforgettable Night
Steve was finally allowed to enter Echidna’s room. The room smelled of incense. It was filled with gifts and flowers from her admiring men. When he entered, she was still hidden behind a veil of curtain.
She hissed, “Do you like me Steve? Are you not scared of my serpent body?” He replied, “I don’t know. But as soon as I saw you, I already desired you.” She parted the veil so that he could clearly see her face and entire body.
She went towards him, “Now, do you still like me? Don’t you think I am a monster?” Then her eyes changed into that of a snake and she also showed her long snake like tongue. “How about now? Aren’t you afraid I am going to eat you?”
His face became serious, “I loved you the moment I saw you. You’re like a dream to me that came true.” She seemed to be taken aback by what he said, “I knew it from your eyes that you want me. I am giving myself to you.”
Steve and Echidna embraced and went to bed together. Midway in their bedroom act, she bit him lightly in the neck. Her bite have an exhilarating effect. It made their bedroom act more sensuous than ever. It was a feeling that Steve has never felt before. It was the happiest day of his life.
Part 9: A Follower For Life
Demitri picked him up from the theater next morning. He had a laptop with him. As they agreed in their gambling contract, he gladly paid via bank transfer the money that Demitri has won. The transaction was made in a cafe, they drank coffee when they finished it.
After a while, Gene arrived with a beautiful woman in tow, she was the same woman who was sitting with them in the theater. “Remember me?” Then she showed her snake looking tongue again.
Gene took the hand of the woman with a snake like tongue and smiled, “I took a liking to her when she followed Demitri and me at the hotel. You could say my experience with her was out of this world.”
Demitri smiled, “I would like to thank you two gentlemen for the money you just gave me. If I knew that you both would have a wonderful experience, I would have charged you more.” The woman with the snake tongue then smiled. “You are a really greedy satyr.”
Demitri laughed at the puzzled look of the two men. Then he lifted the bottom part of his pants to show his shoes. His shoes were special, it covered Demitri’s feet which was like the feet of a hoofed animal. The people in the cafe didn’t mind. It’s as if they knew all along.
He then became a bit serious, “Are you two men going back to Greece to see Echidna and her daughters?” The two men looked at each other and smiled, “Of course, we don’t just want to visit Greece, we want to stay in Greece with Echidna and her daughters.”