Adela the Fire
Part 1: The Choker Necklace
Adela looked like any young teenage girl in her prime. If you looked at her you would say that she is in good health. But she always coughed from time to time. If you observed her long enough you would notice this. In a span of one hour or so she would never fail to cough at least twice.
Besides this, the thing that made her stand out from the rest is her choker necklace. It was not jeweled or anything but it rather resembled an ancient chain with some sort of ancient beast as a pendant.
Adela was not uncomfortable wearing it but she was uncomfortable at the way people looked at her when they see her choker. That is why even though it was very difficult she tried to hide it with clothes that nearly covered her neck.
Always wearing clothes that nearly covered her neck plus the fact that she coughs a lot even in class had made her a target for bullying among her classmates. She would be called “Adela the Wimp” or “Adela the Weird” by many of her classmates.
This made her life miserable at school from time to time. She would complain to her parents about the choker. She would say: “Wearing this made me look weird and it might also be the cause of my coughs!”
Her parents would vehemently disagree. They had made her promise before that she would not remove her choker necklace and they asked her to keep her promise. She loves her parents and even though she does not want to do it, she kept her promise not to remove it.
Part 2: School Life Is Bad
Her parents also wore similar choker necklaces. They did not mind wearing them. Whenever people would comment about their necklaces either good or bad they would simply tell to the people who commented: “My necklace is a family heirloom. It has sentimental value.”
The chokers seemed to be special. Adela and her parents were the only one that can unlock them. The lock mechanism of the necklace was unique that only those who know how it works can unlock it.
There would be times when some of her classmates would try to force it off her neck but the necklace won’t break. Her classmates would always give up when Adela starts choking when they try to pry the necklace off her neck.
They might be bullies but they are not stupid. They know they could land in serious trouble if they actually harmed her. Most of the time they would stop when she begins to cough because she was being choked when they are trying to force her necklace off her.
But these events are in the past now. Her bully classmates have long given up on their attempts to try to take her necklace. But her bullies continue to make fun of her especially when she coughs.
Part 3: Adela’s Parents
Besides the bullying her life was a happy one. Her parents were very caring and gives her all that she needs. They are not rich but they do live a relatively comfortable life. Her parents own an antique shop and somehow she thinks that her parent’s involvement with antiques have something to do with the chokers.
Her parents have plenty of friends. Sometimes he would see strange visitors to their house and antique shop with the same chokers. They would great each other with the words: “Is your fire still alive?” Her parents would reply: “The fire is alive in us. It is getting stronger.”
She has asked her parents before: “Do you belong to a secret society?” They just laughed and replied: “We are Medievalists. We follow the ancient ways. In fact we belong to ancient nobility.”
She questioned them no more. She was used to the eccentricities of her parents. Their house was cramped with medieval artifacts. Her father’s study was cramped with medieval weapons and armor. She grew up with these thing around their house but she has no interest in them.
Part 4: The Burned Men
But one eccentricity of them that worried her is the fact that they seriously follow news regarding fires. Whenever they hear that there has been a house or building fire somewhere they check the details of it.
They even have news clippings of “The Burned Men Case.” This is about the mysterious burned bodies found at several places throughout the years. What makes the case mysterious is that although the bodies were fully burned, there is no proof that the bodies were burned at the location which they were found.
It’s as if somebody burned a person elsewhere and just put them in another place where they were eventually found. The police cannot determine the criminals or the motive. The only thing that they can discern is that the burned bodies suffered a similar fate.
Part 5: The Prince
This so far has been her life. Except for the bullying that sometimes happen to her, her life has been great. But one day her life even got better. This is because one day a prince arrived in their school.
Not necessarily a prince but someone who looked and acted like a prince. His name was “Bjorn” and with his looks and manners became easily one of the school’s most popular boy. The other boys envied him while the girls drooled over him.
In this instance, her necklace was her lucky charm. Bjorn seemed to have taken a liking for her when he saw her necklace. He says that his family was into antiques as well and to him her necklace was a rare item he has not seen anywhere.
They became friends and would talk about stories related to ancient times. She was not into history or fantasy stories but because of him she developed an interest in it. She also found out that his family is rich.
Part 6: A New Necklace
This was because he gave her a necklace that was made of gold and very feminine to look at. He says that he was aware that she was being bullied because of her necklace. Though he likes her necklace he recommends that she replace it with the one he gave her.
She was nervous but she liked him so much that she does not want to disappoint him. “Just for you, Okay?” She was very nervous as she started to unlock her necklace. She was imagining of something awful happening to her as soon as she removed her necklace.
But after she removed it completely, nothing happened to her. She then put on the necklace he gave her and thanked him. As if the necklace he gave her was magical. She seemed to look much more beautiful in the eyes of her classmates.
From then one she lived a double life from her parents. At home she would wear her old necklace but once she was at school she would wear the necklace given to her by Bjorn. Much as she enjoyed her new necklace she does not want to disappoint her parents.
But one thing was clear, to her the new necklace was much better. She started getting attention from the boys at school which she enjoyed. Bjorn was also more friendlier than ever to her. But there is always a negative to every positive and her bullies got even angrier with her.
But this time it was different. She was popular now. Her classmates especially Bjorn would protect her from her bullies. They tried but they were effectively blocked by her “protectors” who were the boys who are out to get her affection.
Part 7: The Flame
But she was not protected all time. One day during gym class, in the locker room when there was no one else around her bullies cornered her. “So you think you’re a princess now!” Said one of her bullies in an angry tone. Then they started punching and kicking her.
“Where’s your ugly necklace now, replaced it with this necklace that your boyfriend gave you?”
Said the top bully as she touched Adela’s new necklace. Adela face reddened as the bully touched her necklace. “No, please don’t take it!” She said as the angered welled up inside her.
But the bully just laughed as she forcefully removed Adela’s new necklace. The necklace was delicate and its chain broke easily. When this happened Adela’s anger controlled her. She coughed uncontrollably which was met by laughter from her bullies.
Their laughter intensified her hate and anger toward them. Then something scary happened. Out of her mouth and nose came smoke. This startled her bullies but momentarily only. “You’re playing tricks on us?” One of them said as she kicked Adela very hard this time.
The hard kick seemed to have awaken something more inside Adela that a burst of flames suddenly came blazing out of her mouth. She was like a fire breathing dragon in human form. Her bullies panicked that they scampered out of the locker room with some of them even screaming in terror.
Part 8: The Bullies Are Silenced
She immediately went home crying to her parents. She told them what happened to her in the locker room. Her parents scolded her for removing her old necklace and warned her not to remove her necklace again.
They advised her to keep the incident in the locker room a secret and not to tell it to anyone. They also told her to be wary of anyone around her. They warned her to tell them if she thought she was being followed or observed. She promised to do this.
Her bullies however started spreading the locker room story around. They told the students in the school that she breathed fire. They even told the teachers in schools that she was a monster.
But everyone laughed at her bullies. They were even accused of spreading rumors against her because they were jealous of her. Bjorn would confront her bullies telling them such word as: “No one believes that Adela can produce fire. You’re making things up or imagining things. Besides, there’s no witness.”
Soon the rumors died down and her bullies left her alone. By now the students at school were fully at Adela’s side. They have had enough of the bullies bullying not only Adela but other students as well.
Bjorn, the other students as well as the authorities in school warned the bullies that if they ever bully anyone again or cause trouble they would be expelled from school. The bullies were effectively silenced since then.
Part 9: Adela Changes
Things went on as normal in school but everyone knew Adela has changed. She now looks much better now. The necklace that Bjorn gave her had the effect of making her more beautiful but the necklace her parents gave her had the effect of making her look weird.
But things have changed. When she started wearing her old necklace again she presumed that she would again be looked at as a weirdo and eventually shunned by her classmates. She also feared that her coughing would resume again.
To her surprise she no longer coughed. And to her amazement the students in the school were now even more enamored with her as compared to when she wore the necklace given to her by Bjorn.
She also was surprised at herself. The most remarkable thing she noticed is that her chest area seems to have grown a lot bigger almost overnight. Next, she has a fuller curve. Then her skin seemed to glow with smoothness.
When before she looked like a demure princess with the necklace Bjorn gave her, now she looked like a ravishing temptress in the eyes of the boys in school. She had more friends than before and boys began to openly show their admiration for her. This includes Bjorn.
All the attention from the boys made her happy and even irritated at times but it was the attention of Bjorn that made her happy. They were closer than ever and in the eyes of the students in school they were sweethearts although they both denied it.
Part 10: Kidnapped
This is the reason why she missed Bjorn very much when he did not show for school one day. She guessed he must be sick but when she checked with the school they denied ever getting a call from Bjorn saying that he was sick or that he needed to do something important.
Then as she left school for the day and was walking towards the bus stop a black van suddenly stopped beside her. In an instant three men jumped out of the van and tried to drag her inside it. She fought them off and even she was surprised at her strength.
She was able to fend off three men by herself! Then a big, burly and bearded man stepped out of the van. “You are strong but still no match for me!” Then he gave her a few punches in the stomach. He fell to the ground weakened. The they took her inside the van and drove off.
While in the van they put some sort of ancient chains on her and gagged her. She was taken to an abandoned warehouse where she saw Bjorn also tied up. “You would make a great gift for the High Lords but your parents are more important!” The bearded man said.
He then called Adela’s parents and instructed them to come to the abandoned warehouse. He warned them: “I would kill your daughter and her boyfriend if you try anything foolish. My men would pick you up from your house. I repeat. Don’t try to resist or do anything foolish!”
Then using his mobile the bearded man showed her and Bjorn both tied up. Her parents told the bearded man that they would not do anything foolish as long as she and Bjorn remained unharmed.
Part 11: Adela’s Parents Are Different
True enough within three hours the bearded man’s henchmen returned together with her parents in chains. “At Last! I found you. The High Lords would be pleased.” Her parents did not reply but looked at her and Bjorn.
Are you both fine? Are you unharmed? Said her mother. Adela replied: “Yes, we’re okay. What’s happening mother?” Her mother replied: “Do not worry. Everything will be just fine.” Then in a quick move her mother threw a small amount of green powder in her left hand and a purple powder in her right hand mixing the two powders in the air in front of her.
All of a sudden a mist of green powder filled the warehouse. The bearded man’s henchmen dropped to the floor unconscious. Bjorn too became unconscious as he sat in a chair still chained.
Adela could not believe what was happening. The green mist suddenly appeared and then in an instant it was suddenly gone. It was like a smoke bomb but only much faster and is colored green.
“Your parlor tricks won’t work on me!” Shouted the bearded man. Then he took out a vial from his pocket and said: “I already drank dragon serum before we met. Even your fire won’t work on me!” He advanced at her parents while drawing an ancient dagger.
“Your dragon serum won’t protect you. We are fire dragons. We were once High Lords!” Then her mother blazed red colored fire from her mouth directly hitting the bearded man. Fire clung to the bearded man’s body but he merely laughed. He said: “As you can see, your fire couldn’t hurt me!”
Then her father said: “Maybe one fire couldn’t affect you but how about two?” Then her father also blazed fire from his mouth. But his fire was different. It was colored white. The two fires combined together into a glowering light of white, red and orange. It was spectacular.
Part 12: Adela’s Past And New Life
In an instant the bearded man cried in pain. “No, it hurts! Stop!” This was all he can say as rolled in the floor trying to put out the fire. Her parents stop blazing fire and unchained her and untied Bjorn who was still unconscious.
She noticed that while they were fleeing the warehouse, her parents did not wear their necklaces. She also distinctly noticed that only the bearded man caught fire although everything else remained untouched. But she was too confused about everything to even question why.
They left their home immediately and into another home which she later learned was a backup home in case incidents like her kidnapping happened. They did not spoke about the incident to her for days. They waited until she has calmed down and relaxed.
Then they told her the story of their family. Her parents were centuries old and were created through the marriage between human and dragon. She was born just a few years ago. She was to wear her necklace all the time. The necklace gave her the powers of a dragon.
If she doesn’t wear her necklace before long her dragon instincts would take full control. When her dragon instincts take control, the result could be very destructive. Then her parents told her about her kidnappers.
They are dragon hunters who worked for the “High Lords”. They were a group of dragons and humans who hunted down Human Dragons just like them. The blood of Human Dragons could be harvested to prolong life, greatly improve strength and so on.
She promised not to remove her necklace again and settled in her new home in a new town. She became a new student in the school of her new town and life returned to normal. As expected she became popular in her new school because of her beauty. But how she wishes she can still contact Bjorn.