Part 1: Bertha
Dave loves his black ’68 Mustang. It’s his pride and joy. On this day, he was driving his friend Kuma to the park where he is to meet his girlfriend. Kuma’s car unfortunately broke down a few hours ago.
Dave had a wide grin on his face, “What’s this again about old cars being unreliable?”
“Put a lid on it,” sighed Kuma, “I know that my new cheap car is a pile of rubbish. You don’t need to rub it in.”
“So, you now admit that my Mustang is a good car even though it’s old?”
Dave laughed as he revved up the car, “I can’t hear you Kuma. You’ll have to speak louder.”
“I said that I admit now that your Mustang is a good and reliable car. Now slow down Dave. You’ll get us both killed.”
Dave slowed down the car, “Bertha, accepts your apology Kuma.”
“You’re a nutcase, Dave. You even gave a silly name for your car. I wouldn’t call my car Bertha for any reason.”
“That’s because you haven’t driven Bertha yet.”
Part 2: The Old Couple
After saying his greetings to Kuma’s girlfriend, Dave went back to his Mustang and was about to leave when he saw an old couple not far away. He noticed that they were gawking at his car. For some reason, he decided to be giving and didn’t drive away yet to allow the old couple to gawk more his car.
After a while, the old couple stood up and approached him on his car. Dave was delighted by the way the old couple was acting towards his car. He felt a deep sense of pride knowing that people are envious of him because of his car.
“Is this your car, young man?”, asked the old woman, “It seems almost original. I remember having one when I was still young.”
“You used to own one of these when you were young?”
“Yes, young man.”
Dave smiled, “You must be a hell raiser, ma’m, when you were young.”
“She is,” smiled the old man, “that’s the reason why I married her.”
“Gee, I wish I could also find a woman like your wife who loves fast cars.”
“Don’t worry, young man,” said the old woman, “there’s quite a lot of women who love men with fast cars.”
“I noticed ma’m that you and your husband seem to be waiting for someone. It’s getting dark, you both okay to be alone out here?”
“We’re waiting for our granddaughter to fetch us, but she’s running late.”
“How late is your granddaughter, ma’m?”
“Oh about one hour late, she says that there’s a major gridlock and she can’t do anything with it.”
“Where do you live ma’m?”
“We live just across the racetrack in route 68.”
Dave smiled, “Well, hop in the two of you. I pass on that racetrack on the way to home.”
Part 3: Hell Raiser
Dave drove the couple towards their home. Along the way, they talked about how the old woman competed on drag races when she was still young. As their talks went on, he increasingly became peeved at how the old woman seemed to be gloating about her driving skills.
He couldn’t take it anymore, “Lady, I find it hard to believe that you competed in drag races which are clearly dominated by better male drivers. I know for a fact that only male drivers have speed records before.”
The old woman smiled, “That’s because men during those days won’t go on record that women actually defeated them in drag races. That’s why there are no records of women drag racing champions.”
“And you said that you drove a black Mustang just like mine’s? Could you for example teach me how to drive my Mustang better?”
“Oh yes, young man. If you’ll let me.”
“Maybe during your youth, but not now, I can’t imagine an old woman like you still driving a car.”
“But I still race my granddaughter’s Dodge Challenger whenever she lets me.”
Dave laughed, “Lady, pardon me for laughing, but I find it hard to believe that you could drag race a Dodge Challenger at your age.”
“Why don’t you let me show you then?”, smiled the old woman as she raised her eyebrow.
“Why not?”, angrily said Dave as he stopped his car to let the old woman take the wheel.
To Dave’s surprise, the moment the old woman took over the wheel, she drove very fast with almost no effort.
Dave almost became scared at times fearing that the old woman would crash his car with them inside it. But to his surprise, the old woman was able to drive the car safely until it reached their house.
Part 4: The Granddaughter
The old woman smiled meekly, “Do you want to have some coffee with us young man?”
“Yes, ma’m, It’s not everyday that I get to meet a woman who can still drive a car that fast even though they’re already mature in age.”
“You should meet my granddaughter. She’s also into fast cars. I think you’re about the same age as she is.”
Just then, a red Dodge Challenger came to a screeching halt in front of the house of the old couple.
A beautiful young woman emerged from the car and waved at the old woman.
“That’s my granddaughter, Dave,” smiled the old woman.
“I can see that she’s also into cars just like her grandmother,” smiled Dave.
When the old woman’s granddaughter reached them, she immediately shook hands with Dave, “You must be the man who took my grandparents home. Thank You.”
“It’s nothing. Revheads look out for each other.”
“You’ve got a sweet ride. Are all the parts of your car original?”, smiled the granddaughter.
“Yes, they all are original parts. I’m Dave by the way.”
“And I’m Jasmine.”
“Are all the parts of your car original too?”, smiled Dave.
“I try to make them all original but parts for my car are very expensive. Sometimes I just use substitutes, but they never affect my car’s performance.”
Dave and Jasmine looked at each other’s cars. As they talked, Dave realized that Jasmine was a real revhead and he was slowly getting interested in her.
He decided to push his luck, “Jasmine, would it be too much if I asked for your cellphone number?”
“What for? Why are you asking for my number?”
“Well, we’re both revheads and I reckon there must be a lot of things we can learn from each other.”
Part 5: The Race
Jasmine grinned, “Tell you what. If you win against me in a drag race, I’ll give you my number.”
Dave smiled, “Now I know you’re a real revhead, Jasmine. You seem to be the kind of person who’ll race anyone for no reason at all.”
“Scared, Dave? Are you just a poser and not a real revhead?”
“Oh I am a real revhead just like you. Let’s race Jasmine.”
“Good, I know the owner of the race track. We can race there.”
Dave and Jasmine’s cars were side by side on the race track. According to their agreed racing rules, the first one who reaches the finish line wins. Their cars growled as they waited for the owner of the race track to give the ‘go’ signal.
And they raced. At first, Jasmine’s car surged ahead but Dave’s car slowly crept up to it until they were neck and neck towards the finish line. It was ultimately Jasmine’s car that won the race.
Dave was downtrodden when he reached the parked car of Jasmine, “I guess you won, but is there any way you’ll grant me a rematch?”
Jasmine smiled, “How about best of seven? I’m having so much fun I don’t want it to end.”
Part 6: Who Won?
It took about two hours before Dave and Jasmine returned to the old couple’s home. Dave said his goodbyes to the old couple and left. The old couple looked on as Dave drove away. Then they looked at their granddaughter.
“You didn’t let him win, did you, granddaughter?”
“Well, grandma, he was no match for me, so of course I have to let him win.”
“You like him, don’t you?”
“Well, it’s the first time I’ve ever met another revhead after a long while. Besides, he looks decent, grandma.”
“And you didn’t tell him that you’re a professional race car driver, did you granddaughter?”
“I have a feeling he’ll find out soon enough, grandma.”
Both women laughed.
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