Featured Article of the Week:

Patent Litigation Insurance: Do You Need It?
I recently came across the concept of Patent Litigation Insurance or Intellectual Property Liability Insurance while doing my research online about patents. I must confess that I am attracted to the idea of getting one.
You may or may not know it, but chasing someone in court for infringing on your patent is a very expensive and exhaustive process. Patent litigation cases drag on for years and costs up to millions in dollars in legal costs.
I must admit that the sheer cost of patent litigation is what first drove me to reconsider starting a business which involves products that require a patent. Being a small business owner, I don’t have the financial capability to go after counterfeiters who would wantonly counterfeit my products...
Time Is Money

10 Tips to Better Combine Working and Studying
No matter how you look at it, an educated person is more likely to be employed rather than a person with little to no education. That’s why studying for an education is important.
Also, a more educated person is more likely to be promoted than a rival for the same position with lesser education.
But to be educated these days, you mostly need money. From paying tuition, buying books, traveling, and other costs, you need money to study.
This is the reason why more and more people today are working while studying, even those barely out of their teenage years.
But working while studying is very hard. That’s why many either stop studying altogether in order to work, or stop working altogether in order to study.
Here are a few tips to help you cope with working and studying at the same time:

Faster Shopping: 11 Tips To Grocery Shop In Less Time
For most of us, grocery shopping is a chore and not a fun activity that we look forward to. Imagine spending a lot of time pushing a heavy grocery shopping cart and scanning isle after isle of grocery items which are not really fun and beautiful to look at.
We also have to consider that grocery stores are usually packed full of people and parking can be terrible. It’s no wonder that there are now people who grocery shop online rather than physically going to a grocery store.
This especially becomes important if you have a big family or resell grocery items. You would likely have to grocery shop more than once a week. Surely, cutting down on your grocery shopping time would be an improvement in your life.
Here are some tips on how to cut down on your grocery shopping time:...

11 Sure Steps to Working Faster
Although almost everyone is mandated by their company to work a minimum of eight hours a day, it is still important to work as fast as you can, so you can have more time for yourself even if you’re in your company.
But besides having more time for yourself while in your company, you can also benefit from working faster.
For example, your company might take notice that you are able to finish your tasks fast, making your company consider you for promotions or further responsibilities.
But for those who are not restricted by a mandatory eight hour work schedule by their company, being able to work faster means that you can go home much sooner to spend more time with your family and loved ones.
Here are a few sure steps to help you work faster:...

You’re Not Special: It’s Time to Face Reality
There are people who grow up believing they are special, that they are a step above others. This could be in the area of knowledge where you think that you are smarter than everyone else, especially the uneducated.
It might also have to do with physical attributes. There are for example beautiful women who think that they are so beautiful and attractive that they only deserve to be married to tall, handsome and good looking men.
Then there are people who because they grew up rich or became rich, think that they deserve only the company of other rich and successful people. They also usually look down on poor people or people beneath their wealth status.
Although everyone needs a healthy dose of confidence and pride in oneself, excessive confidence and belief in oneself can be a bad thing, especially if you believe that you are someone special...

13 Important Tips on Living with Parents as an Adult
There are many reasons why as adults we remain with our parents or come back to them after living by ourselves.
For example, you parents might be too old and sickly already and there’s no one to take care of them except you, so you remain with them to take care of them.
A popular reason has to do with money. Life is getting harder these days especially for young adults who are just building up their finances. Many adults these days are forced to stay with their parents for a longer period than they intended to, because of harsh economic realities.
But except for having to share your private life as an adult with your parents, there are many great benefits with living with your parents as an adult:...

10 Reasons Why Your Life is Boring and How To Overcome Them
With so many means to entertain oneself these days like media entertainment, sports, food, travel, and so on, it’s hard to think that people can still get bored.
There are also so many activities that one can do these days like chasing your dream career, studying the things that interests you, interacting with old and new friends and so on, can more than fill one’s feeling of emptiness towards life.
But people do experience boredom in life because of varying reasons, mostly due to their own fault. Here are a few reasons why and what to do with them:...

How to Watch Out For Job Scams
Scammers these days are very sophisticated and convincing. If you think all scammers are headquartered in dingy places and are composed mainly by poor and uneducated people, think again!
Many scams these days are operated like sophisticated legal businesses with plenty of capital and are staffed by educated and even rich people. One of the targets of scammers are job hunters, knowing that they are likely desperate to find jobs, making them vulnerable to scams.
Scammers can advertise jobs in the same way honest employers do: online thru ads, job sites, and social media, or in newspapers, and sometimes even on TV and radio. They offer you a fake job, in the hopes of stealing your money and personal information.
Here are some examples of jobs scams and how to avoid them...

Fake It Till You Make It: Is It Really Alright to Do So?
There are people who fake it till they make it. We can use card players as an example. Let’s say a group of people are playing poker, would a person holding a bad deck of cards show in their face that they have a bad deck of cards?
Let’s also take the competitive world of boxing or mixed martial arts. Would a boxer or mixed martial artist signal to their opponent that they are hurting and is just about ready to be knocked out?
But these are good example of fake it till you make it. There are also bad examples like when you hide to your investors that your business which they invested in is losing money and you instead deceive them by telling them that your business is running well.
Even governments engage in fake it till you make it strategy. For example, many governments would tell their citizens that they are winning a war when it truth they are losing. This might be a gray area when it comes to ethics as government don’t want their citizens to lose faith in them.
Simply put, there are instances in life when it is permissible to fake it till you make it. The idea being that you are not causing harm to the people you are trying to convince:

Changing Careers in 12 Proven Steps
There are many reasons why you may want to change careers. Usually, its all about money and dissatisfaction with one’s present career.
Your career change might be as serious as switching industries, like from being an entertainer to a doctor.
It might also mean switching jobs within the same industry, like from being an insurance sales agent in the finance industry to being an investments sales agent in the finance industry.
But whatever the reasons and kind of career change you want to implement for yourself, you should first think it over and plan your career change move.
This might mean still doing for a little more time the career you are no longer interested in or even hate.
Here are proven steps in changing careers:

Novels Only Popular After Years or Decades of Publication
If you’ve been writing novels for sometime already or are just starting out, or are just about to start, or just thinking about it, there is a high possibility that you’re doubtful if you can make a career out of novel writing.
It is widely known that choosing novel writing as a career is not particularly popular. This is because there is already a long held notion spanning centuries already that writing novels as a career is a leap towards poverty and obscurity.
Of course, this has long been disproven by many authors like JK Rowling, Stephen King, James Patterson, George RR Martin and many other novel authors who’ve become multimillionaires and even billionaires by writing novels.
However, for the overwhelming majority of novel authors, even making minimum wage is a struggle and even almost an impossibility. This is because just like many other industry, there are only a handful of winners and the rest don’t make any money at all from their product.
This article is not intended to dissuade you from being a novel author, rather it would show you a somewhat anomaly in the industry, if you could call it that: novels that only sold or became popular years or even decades after they were published, some even after the death of the author only

Novels vs Short Stories: Novels Still Mostly Win
Almost since the invention of fiction books, novel length books have been the undisputed king. Novel length books are more popular than short stories of varying length, from novellas, novelette and more recently fast fiction.
But is it really in your best interest to write novel length books today when short stories of all kinds of length, even one page stories have found a market of readers? For one, short stories are faster to write which makes them ideal for authors who want to flood the market with their books.
Also, novels take time to write because they require a lot of words to be written. There is just so much temptation to write a much shorter book rather than a novel length book, especially if an author has a lot of stories in mind.
As the title suggests, I tend to lean on novels though I have currently written more novellas than novels. But having started and abandoned writing novels and writing them once more, I began to realize that there are a lot of advantages to novels though they require more work

Colleen Hoover: Following Her Own Rules to Success
Today, Colleen Hoover is a bonafide success. She is so famous these days that she has been added in Time Magazine’s list of the “100 most influential people of 2023. This is how popular she is.
But many in the writing circles, most especially in the US, like to point out that she is far from your average successful author. For one, she has written in many genres like romance and thrillers, which is not the conventional norm in the writing industry.
Many of her critics also like to point out that some of the subjects of her novels allegedly walk the line between what is acceptable and what is taboo, like alleged issues of glorifying abuse of women.
But whatever what you might think of Colleen Hoover, she is a success with millions of online followers and many devoted fans and book buyers. She is widely celebrated today as the most famous author, at least in the US, having sold more print books than the bible.
If you are an aspiring author, or even a professional one, it is worth studying her and most especially what makes her popular among her online fans and her book buyers. Maybe you might learn a thing or two from her
Online Business Ideas

10 Sure Tips to Selling Softwares Online
The Software industry is one of the biggest globally. It is estimated that the software market would be worth USD 650 billion by 2023. Clearly, you could potentially make a lot of money in the software industry.
But you don’t have to be a tech genius or a software programmer to make a lot of money with software. You can just retail software. There are already many companies who instead of programming their own software, just retail them instead.
For example, there are the Apple and Android stores for software apps and Steam for game apps and software.
These companies make hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars just retailing software. So, as said, there’s good money to be made from softwares.
But there’s one big issue you need to know before selling softwares: you have a lot of competition, It is estimated that there are already 7.5 million online sellers of software.
Here are some tips to increase your chances of success in this business:

Simple Guide to Selling Feet Pictures Online
There are many kinds of fetishes. Some are tame while some are extreme. Foot fetishes are one of the tamer kinds of fetishes.
And there are online companies who are capitalizing on this fetish, one of these are feet pics platforms/websites. They act as a middleman between feet pics sellers and buyers. But there are other platforms besides feet pics platforms where you can sell your feet pics.
While it might seem laughable and strange, there are people who are making money selling their feet pics. And what could be an easier way to earn money? Imagine, all you have to do is to take pictures of your feet and with some luck and planning, you could earn good money.
If making money seems a good idea for you to make money, this article would give you pointers on just how to do it.

How to Start a Podcast in 12 Steps, Plus More Info!
The podcasting industry is fast growing. Numerous online sources dated 2023 state that the podcasting industry is growing at an average rate of between 27% to 32%.
This is a very good rate considering that industries that have 10% yearly growth are already considered very profitable industries by finance and investment experts.
But we don’t have to look far than to note the earnings of podcasting poster boy Joe Rogan who reportedly earns USD 100,000 per podcast episode. He reportedly earns USD 48 million per year once all his sources of podcasting revenue are added up.
As you can see, podcasting can become a very profitable career or business for anyone. But how do you really start a podcast? Here are a few steps and more information about podcasting:
Saving Money Ideas

What You Should Know Before Investing in Copper
The demand for copper has surged, especially in the industrial sector, rising roughly five times in value from 2001 to 2022.
S&P Global, one of the top leading investment firm has predicted that the demand for copper would double by 2035, from 25 million metric tons to 50 million metric tons.
CNBC reported last February 6, 2023 that the world is currently facing a global shortage of copper. This is fueled by the supply problems in South America and the higher demand for copper.
The report also stated that copper is a leading pulse check of economic health due to its uses in electrical equipment and industrial machinery. It is heavily used in home building, electronics, electrical conductivity, automobiles and infection control, especially after the pandemic.
As society increasingly depends on electrical and electronics devices as well as equipment, more and more companies would depend on copper, causing its price to continually have an upward trajectory.
Here are a few things you should know before investing in copper:

Checklist To Buying A Used Car Wisely
Many people can’t afford to buy a brand new car. Besides this, a lot of people don’t even have enough money to buy a used car. This is especially true for people in poor and even developing countries.
But we all know that when it comes to quality and reliability, nothing beats a brand new car. A used car, especially one that is very old, is just not reliable as compared to a brand new car. But despite this, there is a huge demand for used cars.
And we all know that a lot of used car salespersons and dealerships are taking advantage of this. In fact, used car salespersons are generally not perceived by the public as being trustworthy. This is the reason why you need to be careful and wise when buying a used car.
Here is a checklist on how to buy a used car wisely:

Buying Art Wisely that Still Makes You Happy
Although most people become more practical as they grow old, especially when their finances are tight, entertainment, fashion, art and other non-essentials still play a large part in many people’s lives.
This is because these non-essentials delight people and gives them temporary reprieve from the daily pressures and hardships of life.
There are even non-essentials like art that appreciate in value. For example, paintings by renowned artists like Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello (pardon the TMNT pun) and so on, have been valued in the millions of dollars.
But for the most part, people just buy art to decorate their homes and maybe to try to impress other people. Whatever your purpose in buying an art is, here are a few pointers to buying art wisely while still making you happy
Income Ideas

Selling Coins on eBay: Things to Consider as a New Lister
I have been collecting coins since my childhood days and I have finally decided to sell some of them. My coins collection consists of coins from various countries. I didn’t buy any of them. They’re just coins I happened to collect when I traveled to different countries.
I was also able to collect a lot of coins because we had a retail shop and most of our transactions involve coins. If you own a retail shop, no matter the size, it’s a good idea to also be involved in the coin collecting and selling business, as coins are your byproducts.
There are currently many online e-commerce sites where you can sell coins, but I chose eBay because it doesn’t charge upfront fees for listing your coins and other products. As we’ll see later, this would be very important.
Also, far from the rosy depictions of some eBay seller cum influencers online regarding how easy it is to make money on eBay selling coins, I found that the reality was different.
Here are some of the things you need to consider when selling coins on eBay:

Greeting Card Business: The Joker Greeting Cards Way
If you want explosive growth in profits for a business you’re planning to start, then the greeting cards business might not appeal to you.
Make no mistake, there is money in the greeting cards business: According to Business Wire, the industry has an estimated worth of USD 19.25 billion in 2022 and is expected to be worth USD 20.66 billion by 2030.
These numbers might seem big, but the CAGR is just 0.9%, which is way, way below most industry standards.
However, despite this, there are still entrepreneurs who’ve managed to not only thrive but become very profitable in the greeting cards business.
One of this is the Joker Greeting Cards company which sells prank greeting cards. Just to give an idea of how profitable the company has been, it is primarily staffed by one person only but still manages to earn USD 100,000 a month in gross sales.
However, this is not the important figure. I’m sure that you’re interested in this one-person company’s net sales. Well, as of 2019, its’s USD 30,000 a month or USD 360,000 a year which is an impressive amount considering that the average salary in the U.S. is USD 60,000 per year.
Here’s a few information about Joker Greeting Cards, maybe we would all learn a thing or two about its business model and how it managed to crack the greeting card business successfully.

Renting Out Apartments By Renting by the Rooms
There are people whose main or part business is renting out their real estate. These can be buildings, houses, apartments, garages and so on. But not many are lucky enough to have a portfolio of real estate properties.
Most people only own a single real estate property which is the reason why their real estate business is not very profitable. But there is a way where even though you own a single real estate property, you can still increase your income.
The solution is not to rent out your single real estate property to only one set of tenants, like a family. Rather, you rent out the rooms of your single real estate to multiple set of tenants.
This way, instead of collecting rent from only one set of tenants, you instead collect rent from multiple set of tenants without having to buy additional real estate properties
Reading Fun!:
Famous Quotes By:

He is widely known for his novel "Fahrenheit 451" (1953) and his short-story collections "The Martian Chronicles" (1950) and "The Illustrated Man" (1951). Most of his best known work is in speculative fiction, but he has also written coming of age novel "Dandelion Wine" (1957) and the fictionalized memoir "Green Shadows, White Whale" (1992). He also wrote and consulted on screenplays and television scripts, including "Moby Dick" and "It Came from Outer Space". Many of his works were adapted into television and film productions as well as comic books. Additionally, he wrote poetry and published several collections of his poems, such as "They Have Not Seen the Stars" (2001).

He has won numerous awards, including the Hugo, Nebula, and Bram Stoker awards, as well as the Newbery and Carnegie medals. He is the first author to win both the Newbery and the Carnegie medals for the same work" "The Graveyard Book" (2008). "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" was voted Book of the Year in the British National Book Awards. It was later adapted into a critically acclaimed stage play at the Royal National Theatre in London.
Before he became a successful author, his works were initially rejected by publishers. Dejected but not discouraged, he resolved to learn the in and outs of the publishing industry by becoming a journalist concentrating on the writing industry, determined to know its secrets. After decades of becoming a journalist while at the same time still being an author, he eventually became a successful and famous author.

He was the winner of 26 IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness). He is known for his massive physique and strength in weightlifting. He was inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame in 2016 and was bestowed with the 'Arnold Classic Lifetime Achievement Award' in 2021.
He is often quoted as saying that the there is no secret formula, secret or magic tricks to success. According to him the secret to success in life is simple: simply outwork everyone else and be number one in whatever you do that no one else can come close to you.

The films in the series are: "John Wick" (2014), "John Wick: Chapter 2" (2017), "John Wick: Chapter 3- Parabellum" (2019), and "John Wick: Chapter 4" (2023). It also has two spin-offs, the limited series "The Continental: From the World of John Wick" (2023), and the film "Ballerina" (2024). The films are all huge successes with a collective income of more than USD 1 billion worldwide.
Film Synopsis: John Wick (Keanu Reeves) was born Jardani Jovonovich in Belarus who was an orphan taken in by the Ruska Roma crime syndicate. He was raised as an assassin and eventually rose to become the top enforcer of the Russian Mafia and known as "Baba Yaga" ("the one you sent to kill [the] Boogeyman") under crime boss Viggo Tarasov (Michael Nyqvist), who deemed him so ruthless that many came to respect and fear him. The film starts with Wick already a retired hitman for five years after undertaking an "impossible task" for Tarasov, wiping out all other organized crime syndicates in New York City in order to be allowed to leave to marry Helen (Bridget Moynahan) before her eventual death from cancer, leaving him known as a legend in the assassin underworld worldwide. He was attacked by the son of a powerful mob boss and his gang which triggered his return to a life of violence.

It depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the Matrix, a simulated reality that intelligent machines have created to distract humans while using their bodies as an energy source. When computer programmer Thomas Anderson, under the hacker alias "Neo", uncovers the truth, he joins a rebellion against the machines along with other people who have been freed from the Matrix.

They debuted in 2013 under Big Hit Entertainment with the single album "2 Cool 4 Skool". in 2014, they released their first Korean and Japanese-language albums, "Dark & Wild" and "Wake Up" respectively. The group's second Korean studio album, "Wings" (2016), was their first to sell one million copies in South Korea. By 2017, BTS had crossed into the global music market and led the Korean Wave into the United States, becoming the first Korean ensemble to receive a Gold certification from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for their single "Mic Drop", as well as the first act from South Korea to top the Billboard 200 with their studio album "Love Yourself: Tear" (2018). In 2020, they became one of a few groups since the Beatles (in 1966–1968) to chart four US number-one albums in less than two years, "with Love Yourself: Answer" (2018) becoming the first Korean album certified Platinum by the RIAA; in the same year, they also became the first all-South Korean band to reach number one on both of the Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard Global 200 with their Grammy-nominated single "Dynamite". Follow-up releases "Savage Love", "Life Goes On", "Butter", and "Permission to Dance" made them the fastest act to earn four US number-one singles since Justin Timberlake in 2006...

His gubernatorial career was known for fiscal conservatism, strong support for women's suffrage, and vague opposition to Prohibition. His presidency was known for restoring public confidence in the White House after the many scandals of the Harding administration, the signing into law of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 which granted U.S. citizenship to all Native Americans, a period of rapid and expansive economic growth known as the "Roaring Twenties", made his office considerably popular. He was known for his hands-off governing approach and pro-business stances. Biographer Claude Fuess remarked this about him: "He embodied the spirit and hopes of the middle class, could interpret their longings and express their opinions. That he did represent the genius of the average is the most convincing proof of his strength."...

His writings were an influence to Voltaire & Jean-Jacques Rousseau and many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers. He was also an influence to American Revolutionaries. The United States Declaration of Independence was affected by his contributions to classical republicanism and liberal theory. On an international basis, his political-legal principles continue to have a profound influence on the theory and practice of limited representative government and the protection of basic rights and freedoms under the rule of law.
His theory of mind is often cited as the origin of modern conceptions of identity and the self. It figures prominently in the work of later philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, and Immanuel Kant. He postulates that, at birth, the mind was a blank slate, or "tabula rasa". Contrary to Cartesian philosophy based on pre-existing concepts, he maintained that we are born without innate ideas, and that knowledge is instead determined only by experience derived from sense perception, a concept now known as empiricism (Source: Wikipedia)...
Short Stories:

Addicted to a Lifestyle
“Could you give me some money or cigarettes and beer instead?”, said the homeless man, “I don’t eat food from cheap vendors.”
Pedro felt a slight anger of being rejected by the homeless person. Nevertheless he just returned near the food vendor and resumed eating his sandwich and bottle of water. Yet, he can’t believe how a hungry looking homeless person could reject an offer of food and water.
“They’re addicted to their lifestyles,” said the street vendor suddenly, “they can’t seem to accept the reality of their situation now that they are broke and homeless. They still think they deserve the best of everything even though they have no money to buy them.”
“You know that homeless man?”, asked Pedro, “It’s crazy to think that a man with no money to buy food would still insist on eating expensive food when he has no money to buy them.”...

The Book of Riches
“This is how you spent my hard earned money?”, said Amonsak as he threw the book he was holding in the floor, “Did you know that I would have to work for a week just to replace the money you spent on this book.”
“But it’s a very valuable book, father,” said Somchai, “with it, we can do a lot of things.”
“You and your dreams. I knew I shouldn’t have given you a chance to go to school. You should have been spending your time instead working on our farm.”
“But I don’t want to be a farmer, father. I want to be an engineer or even a doctor.”...

Action Short Story: Strength and Speed
...They were parked just in front of a row of high end luxury stores when suddenly, they heard the sound of window glass being broken. It was a huge man, much bigger than Armstrong and carrying a baseball bat with him who broke a window glass in one of the high end luxury stores.
Without stopping to think, the pair drew their guns and approached the man. All around them people scurried to avoid the confrontation between the two police officers and the huge man with a baseball bat.
“Drop your baseball bat and surrender,” shouted Olsen, “don’t make any sudden moves. Just drop your baseball bat slowly.”
But the huge man just swung his baseball bat at Olsen, hitting her in the shoulders as she ducked. Armstrong didn’t waste anytime, he shot the huge man. But to his surprise, the huge man seemed undaunted and swung his baseball bat at him, hitting him in the cheeks, knowing him down.

Story With Moral: Don’t Judge a Teen By His Posters
Amelia’s face turned red as she entered her young son’s room. There it was, plastered in one of the walls of his son’s bedroom, a poster of her son’s favorite actress. Her blood nearly boiled when she saw that the actress was posing provocatively, with hardly any clothing.
“Barney, get yourself in here,” she shouted as she looked at her son who was watching television in the living room, “what’s this in your room again? Another pornographic poster of
Georgia Wilde?”
“It’s not a pornographic poster, mom, It’s an artistic poster. Can’t you see she’s not naked?”
“Get over here, young man and prove to me that your new poster is not pornographic. I can almost see her private parts. She’s leaving nothing to the imagination.”

Story With Moral: Work Is Hell
... He doesn’t know what to think of her. While he still hates her for berating him in the train several months ago, he also pities her now, knowing that she wasn’t coping well with her job. To make matters worse for her, a child in another table spilled his soda playfully.
As if the child was deliberately taunting her. Marlin paid very particular attention to her this time. He was keen to see how she would react regarding the spilled soda in the floor. To his surprise, the woman looked at him and he swore he saw tears in her eyes.
She dropped the mop in the floor and just walked out of the restaurant. Her manager shouted at her to come back while her male companion followed her out of the restaurant, also calling out to her to come back...

Farm Jokes
Farms produce the food that we eat, but do you know that farms can also be funny? This selection of jokes have jokes about farmers, fat pigs, goats and everything else about farms.
I'm sure that after reading these jokes, you would have a different view of farms!
1. Why do the farmers go to watch movies often? To watch the trailers.
2. Why do you think the cow jumped over the moon? Because the farmer had cold hands.
3. What do you call a farm that’s just down the road? A nearm.
4. What new crop did the farmer plant? Beets me.
5. How do you get rid of a rabbit farm? A magician should do the trick.
6. What did the neurotic pig say to the farmer? You take me for grunted.
7. What do you call the best butter on the farm? A goat.
8. Why can’t the bankrupt farmer complain? Because he’s got no beef.
9. What do you call a pig thief? A ham-burglar.
10. What kind of file lives on a farm? jpig.